I blew my load after like three head bobs because the first time my dick was ever touched by someone other than myself was the night before and so I wasn't prepared to be able to last. Well apparently he was still curious because the next night he crawled under the covers and proceeded to suck my dick. Keep in mind that we were sharing a room with two other guys so I had to get out of bed with my soaked underwear and go to the bathroom. As soon as I did he retracted his hand like it was on fire said he was just curious, rolled over and went to sleep. Well he clearly wanted to because he reached under and the feeling of his hand directly on my cock made me blow hard. He kept grabbing it through my undies and I said to reach down under them if he wanted. I was surprised but was instantly rock hard. Me and who was my best friend at the time were sharing a bed when he reached over and touched my dick. Mine was junior year of high school on a church youth group trip.